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YusoFleet is a global white-label platform for local on-demand urban transportation fleets (taxis, minicabs/limousines, ambulances, last-mile delivery). Our mission is to bring any fleet to the best industry practice with the most innovative cloud-based fully automated real-time dispatch algorithms on the market. Our customers operate with the right tools from driver/client booking apps and interfaces, to driver recruitment, and invoicing.

There is no limit to the size of the fleets we can support from 20 to 10,000 vehicles. Our software is used by a variety of partners such as for instance Webtaxi (taxi leader in Luxembourg with 300 vehicles), Vir Transport (delivery company with 600 trucks), City-Bird (Paris leader for motorcycle on-demand/prebook service with 60 bikes).

Early 2017, two years after launching our digital dispatch software solution, we have already connected more than 5,000 vehicles and dispatched more than 2 million bookings.

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Projets réalisés0 projets
Projets terminés0 %
Tarif horaire moyen100
Dernière connexion 7 ans
Membre depuisJuin 2017
Profil vu521 fois


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