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I do and love IT research and development. Thanks to my competitive spirit I won best paper and best poster awards in prestigious international conferences and I'm two times Hackathon winner within IBM Ireland. I'm driven by success and armed with creativity and perseverance. My managers say I'm a self-motivated IT thinker. Able to build new territories and explore opportunities towards the achievement of stated targets, to lead, motivate and provide effective guidance to a team of professional and support staff. Co-ordinate with internal and external resources to deliver service or project to customers.
Onsite experience and hands on experience for supporting live production incidents and handling clients’ emergencies. I am an expert in AngularJS, NodeJS and related Javascript technologies. I also worked a number of years with data science within the great team of IBM Watson.

My love for new challenges brought me to DELL/EMC which is the biggest IT private company in the world. I work as chief IoT and full stack Javascript architect for the impressive DELL data centers. My work involves IoT technologies and latest UI and Nodejs RESTAPI frameworks. I focus on our customers’ evolving needs and make sure we deliver on time and to the highest industry standards.

I worked, for many years, as a permanent senior R&D software engineer then technical manager in IBM. I use my knowledge about recommender systems and constrained optimization to implement better solutions for threat intelligence platforms and smart houses. I recently designed and implemented intelligent algorithms for better threat intelligence and smart house solutions. I got these algorithms recognized within IBM and also published a number of papers in prestigious international conferences.

NodeJS – AngularJS – LoopBack – Microservices – ORM - IoT – Cassandra – Hadoop – Watson – WEKA - JAVA - Optimization – Machine Learning - Agile methodology – Web development - Problem Solving – People management

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Projets réalisés0 projets
Projets terminés0 %
Tarif horaire moyen25
Dernière connexion 6 ans
Membre depuisOct. 2017
Profil vu626 fois


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