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TechIndiana Software Solutions is technology solutions provider with more than 5 years of experience in enabling innovative tech solutions for organizations across the globe. Our team of experts can help you take your business process efficiency to the next level.
When you talk about TechIndiana as a technology company, you will discover what so many global organizations and enterprises have already realized and unwrapped the experience of trust and certainty.
TechIndiana is creating and nourishing first class customer experience, combined with a center of technical innovation, has helped to develop as the preferred choice for software application development. Our broad scope of services spans across different spheres of technology. We enhance business process and influence lifestyles through technology.
Our technological scope of possibilities ranges from conceptualizing, optimizing and developing conventional enterprise software systems to researching implementations of wearable technology.We are the foremost choice in enterprise mobile app development, software development, providing customized solutions
to meet the client’s needs. We, at TechIndiana develop and implement the latest technologies into viable business solutions for our clients.
TechIndiana is also making a mark in Digital Publishing and is a leading Premium App Development & Content Strategy company. With a large consumer Apps portfolio across all modern mobile and tablet platforms

Indices d'activité

sur les 30 derniers jours

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depuis la création du compte

Projets réalisés0 projets
Projets terminés0 %
Tarif horaire moyen4
Dernière connexion 6 ans
Membre depuisNov. 2017
Profil vu125 fois


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