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CCub9 InfoTech Inc, New Jersey, USA is a IT company with best of IT Professionals servicing its independent clients who have a niche & In-Depth knowledge about their own project .

We carefully do the Engineering of the project.
Every project gets the attention from whole team; right from Visualizer and Experienced Designers to Experts Coders and Project Manager to Release Engineer.
CCube9 InfoTech, has its Development Centre in Pune, India with a strong team in PHP, Magento Experts Code igniter, Word press Experts
OpenSource technology (Right from Web-Based to Cloud Solutions) along with & Strong Army of Mobile Developers.
CCube9 is the only company which provides the fastest Project Development (Service) Proposal & Benefit Document with all features, case Studies, & Guarantee.
CCube9 InfoTech since 2009 has been pioneered in Web Development with best of industry practices (Agile /Scrum) to deliver the project on Time.
The Timelines are adhered to the tight schedules and diligent hand holding of the Technical Manager enables best of client servicing.

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depuis la création du compte

Projets réalisés0 projets
Projets terminés0 %
Tarif horaire moyen12
Dernière connexion 7 ans
Membre depuisOct. 2016
Profil vu287 fois


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