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As a veritable alchemist, I inspire a new kind of creative management through happiness hacking. I’m convinced that the values of the Agile Manifesto are transposable to all organizational levels, from the individual to top management. Right now, I produce content about Management 3.0 and harmocracy

I’m an Agile coach and a Management 3.0 facilitator. I help you to define your leadership « Why » to build an environment conducive to the development of collective intelligence, helping you find pleasure and happiness as a manager. I invite you to build our new systems and to join me in the community of the change and success explorers

I started working in 2006 as a continuous improvement manager in chemicals, then in aeronautics. Through these experiences, I developed competencies as a facilitator, agile and innovation coach with both French and international groups.

I was challenged in 2013 to create and develop my own company called Neowind. I worked as an independent consultant, assisting startups in creating innovative products and business models. I coached teams to develop collaboration and trust skills using agile values and practices. I was Mentor of Startup Weekend Compiègne.

I’m a happy multitasker, creative and extrovert, delighted that my various jobs allow me to learn and teach new things every day.

Bringing experiences: Agile methodologies (Scrum, Lean, Kanban, SAFe), Management 3.0, graphic recording, coaching, change management, innovation Management, creativity, training, innovation games, Lego Serious Play.

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Projets réalisés0 projets
Projets terminés0 %
Tarif horaire moyen1200
Dernière connexion 4 ans
Membre depuisJan. 2020
Profil vu81 fois


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