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Laura, content creator, orientation SEO, community manager et créatrice de sites web.

°°° Editing, updating, proofreading, and summarizing various reports, manuscripts, articles, speeches, proposals, etc.
°°° Developing and editing the product’s benefits content.
°°° Overseeing all the business’s content production initiatives inclusive of books, videos, blogs, emails, infographics, and web pages.
°°° Maintaining editorial consistency and continuity in the multiple corporate materials developed for the business’s varying product lines.
°°° Producing content in a variety of creative formats in order to find out which of the formats best relates to the business’s audience.
°°° Using social media analysis skills for effectively delivering the necessary community updates to your company

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sur les 30 derniers jours

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depuis la création du compte

Projets réalisés0 projets
Projets terminés0 %
Tarif horaire moyen47
Dernière connexion 5 ans
Membre depuisNov. 2018
Profil vu273 fois


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