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Winspire Web Solution is an offshore software development company from India. We have experience of more than five years and in which we have achieved many milestone.

Since 2010 Building Mobile application, Custom eCommerce and CMS Websites Expert in Magento ECommerce, WordPress & Joomla Website Development, Laravel - Bespoke Web Apps, Pixel Perfect Validated PSD to HTML, Android and iOS application Development.

Winspire Web Solution offers complete range of Web & Mobile application development solutions with strong portfolio of developing highly custom CMS, eCommerce websites and Mobile application. We have an expert Mobile development team of exceptionally talented, trained and well experienced Front End Developers and PHP Programmers who have strongly contributed in producing outstanding custom Magento eCommerce, WordPress, Joomla websites and bespoke Web applications using frameworks like Laravel and Cake PHP for leading digital and web agencies who demand exceptional customer service and high quality website development standards. As a professional web and mobile development company, we are experts in delivering pixel perfect and cleanly coded with all development solutions. Our clients highly recommend us for our high level communication, project management and paying acute attention to detail keeping our service standards high.

We have a team of hardworking and highly proficient IT professionals with 5+ years’ experience and genuine passion for mobile and web application development. An in-depth understanding of the main mobile platforms helps us to recognize the subtle differences between each. Having helped develop a series of commercially successful apps on iOS and Android Mobile.

Skills Summary
• iOS, Android and Windows
• Javascript
• Objective-C
• XCode, SDK Frameworks
• Open Source Development

(a) e-commerce Development WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, Magento, osCommerce, Zen Cart, X-Cart, Open Cart

(b) Open Source Framework Zend Framework, CodeIgniter, CakePHP Development, Yii Development, Laravel framework, Symfony framework.

(c) Open Source – CMS WordPress, Joomla, Magento – Expertise

Industries and Domains:
- Retail/Auction/Price Comparison
- E-Commerce
- B2B and B2C
- Consumer goods and services
- Banking Finance and Insurance
- Medical and Health Care
- Automobile industry
- E-Learning and Educational
- Matrimonial and Dating
- Recruitment and Jobs
- NGO and Government
- Media and Entertainment
- Logistics and transportation
- Travel and Leisure
- Adventure and sports
- Real Estate / Property
- Social Networking

Services we provide:
• CMS development (WordPress, Joomla, Drupal) including Theme, Plugin, Module and third party API setup.
• Ecommerce development (Magento, Open cart, Woo Commerce, CS cart, Prestashop) including Theme, Plugin, module and custom API setup.
• Interactive and real-time web apps development
• Custom web application designing and development (Custom CRM, CMS, ERP)
• Business & requirement analysis and system design & Development
• Mobile application development for IOS and Android
• Integration of existing system with 3rd-party API/ Web services
• Re-engineering, Maintenance and Testing services
• Responsive Design that will works on Mobile and Tabs (Home Page Animated Slider along with 4 Banners to represents your Business in Easy Manner).

Like our past experienced we can assure you quality work in less amount of time. We provide you suggestions as well for maintaining your website from backend. Responsive pages with mobile and browser friendly.

1. Magento:

2. Wordpress:

3. CodeIngniter PHP:

4. Mobile Development:

a) Android

b) iOS

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Projets réalisés0 projets
Projets terminés0 %
Tarif horaire moyen10
Dernière connexion 8 ans
Membre depuisJuil. 2016
Profil vu615 fois


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