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Curriculum Vitae

24, Rue Bir Bir Lahjar (par l’Avenue Bab Benat)
2ème Etage, Bureau n° 8, 1006 Tunis, Tunisia
##-##-##-##-## (office) / ##-##-##-##-## (cell)
[URL MASQUÉE] : ****@****

Professional experience:

Since October 2014: Certified / Sworn Translator
Under the authority of the Ministry of Justice

November 1999 – September 2014 : Administrative Manager
Tunis Center for Conciliation and Arbitration

- Management and follow up of the different activities of the Center: administrative matters, arbitration cases, publications…
- Coordination of the national and international programs, conducted in collaboration with national, regional and international institutions, such as the United Nations International Trade Center, i.e.:

• Several national seminars on the new Tunisian laws related to commercial transactions
• International Symposium “Arbitration and Investment”
April 2000
• International Symposium “Electronic Commerce, Internet and Arbitration” April 2001
• Arab Conference “Perspectives of Arbitration in the Arab World” November 2001
• Euro-Arab Conference “Investment, finance and Arbitration” May 2004
• International Conference “Arbitration in the Arab world: an international perspective”, May 2007
• International Colloquium “Arbitration in Africa: Reality and perspectives”, May 2007
• International Conference “Public Private Partnership Contracts”, June 2008
• International Conference of the International Federation of Commercial Arbitration Institutions, May 2009

1992 – 1999: Administrative Officer in an international NGO based in Tunisia "EL TALLER"

Participation in the organization of the following EU funded projects “Meda Democracy” : local, regional and international conferences and training programs:

- Three Month Course: An international training program for NGO leaders. I participated in the preparation of five courses held in Tunis. My tasks were: promotion of the course, contact of potential donors, resource persons and candidates, arrangement for field visits in Tunisia and abroad, ensure the good running of the program, translation of documents…
- Seminar of Tunisian NGOs – Tunis, November 1992
- Seminar of Arab and Spanish NGOs – Tunis, April 1993
- Seminar of the Maghrebian NGOs – Rabat, July 1993
- Seminar of Tunisian NGOs – Tunis, July 1993
- Conference of Arab NGOs – Tunis, October 1993
- General Assembly of El Taller – Tunis, October 1993
- Seminar of Maghrebian NGOs – Nouakchott, April 1994
- Arab NGOs Conference – Beirut, July 1994
- Arab Regional Preparatory Meeting for the World Summit of Social Development – Beirut, January 1995
- Arab Regional Preparatory Meeting for the World Conference of Women, Beirut, June 1995
- Arab Women Conference – Morocco, December 1996
- Conference on the Euro-Arab Dialogue- Italy, September 1998
- General Assembly of El Taller – Tunis, November 1998

Participation in trainings:
Exchange training program of Maghrebian and European youth, Athens 1994

1991 – 1992: Administrative Officer, in charge of public relations in a travel agency:

 Contact and correspondence with the foreign agencies
 Public Relations
 Elaboration and translation of promotional documents
 Translation and promotion during a business visit to Japan

1986 – 1990: Translator and Press Officer in an Arab information agency based in Tunis:

 Translation of press articles from English and French into Arabic for the daily press reports;
 Translation of Arabic Articles into English to be published in the English News Letter of the agency;
 Translation during press meetings;
 Participation in the press delegation to the United Nations General Assembly in Geneva in 1988


 Member of a group of translators hired by an international organization(Amnesty International) to translate its English publications to French and Arabic
 Translation and public relations on freelance basis with many institutions:
- Tunisian League for Human Rights
- Arab Institute for Human Rights
- Carthage Cinema Festival (JCC)
- International Festival of Amateur Film Makers
- Palestinian Cinema Institution
 Translation of all types of documents, notably legal, for lawyers, chartered accounts, companies…

Academic Qualifications:

 1981: Baccalaureate in Arts, Secondary School of Jendouba
 1985: University Degree in languages (Maitrise Combinée des Langues), High Institute of Languages, University of Tunis
 Languages: English, French and Japanese
 Other courses attended during the four years of university studies: Economy, Commercial Law, International Organizations.
 2002/2003: one year of law dtudies at the Faculty of Legal, Political and Social Sciences
 2004: Diploma of Certified / Sworn Translator

 English: well spoken, read and written
 French: well spoken, read and written
 Arabic: Mother tongue

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Projets réalisés0 projets
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Tarif horaire moyen100
Dernière connexion 7 ans
Membre depuisNov. 2016
Profil vu2 278 fois


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