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IT Infrastructure consultant with 9 years experience on Linux/Unix, certified in Software Testing, ITIL v3, Sun Solaris 10 Administration and Scrum Master. In depth knowledge of algorithms programming and real-time constraints. Significant experience in systems administration, network software programming, integration and validation, and multiple project management.
2006 EPITECH (Paris) - Master of Science in Information Technology – Government accredited
Majors: Project Management, AI Algorithms programming, Systems & Network programming
2005 IFIP - Master of Science in Project Management
2004 EPITECH - Bachelor of Computer Science
2001 Baccalauréat scientifique
ISEB BH0-004: ISEB-ISTQB Foundation Certificate in Software Testing
EXIN [URL MASQUÉE] EXIN ITIL v3 Foundation Certificate in IT Service Management
SCSA CX-310-200: Sun Certified System Administrator for Solaris 10 OS
Scrum Alliance CSM: Certified Scrum Master
01/2010 – Present
Infrastructure Consultant at Mblox – London as permanent
Implementing indicators on monitoring and ticketing systems for making up dashboards
Contributing in improving IT services management processes
Technologies: Redhat Linux, PostgreSQL, SVN, RT Request Tracker, Nagios / Opsview, SQL and Unix scripting (Perl)

09/2009 – 12/2009
Infrastructure Consultant at Keyrus – London and France (Paris – Chantilly) as freelancer
Contributed in translating IT infrastructure management to ITIL life-cycles and processes
Designed and implemented a configuration-change monitoring tool (Perl, MySQL)
Integrated the solution with [URL MASQUÉE] extranet using SOAP
Patched open source IT projects for specific needs (GLPI and OCS)
Developed a snapshot tool compatible with Windows, Linux and several networking equipment types
Technologies: Debian Linux, VMware ESX, GLPI / OCS Inventory, MySQL, SVN, SQL and Unix scripting (Bash, Perl), Webservices (SOAP), Mediawiki, [URL MASQUÉE]

Systems Engineer at British Telecom – France (Paris)
Maintained integration, rescue and production environments (RH Clusters, AIX, Windows 2003)
Charged with three-month operability study on the exploitation of Opsware SAS products, results of which were sent to Chief of Technology
Supervised batches and services (Unix cron, $Universe, Axway XFB, Oracle, JBoss, Tomcat)
Referenced IS dedicated to main customer: 40 servers (GLPI, shell scripting, Perl)
Deployed customer-specific projects (Oracle and Unix scripts, JBoss and Tomcat applications)
Maintained and upgraded VMware ESX servers
Defined, implemented and monitored customer access rights to the technical environment
Provided solutions for indicators and documentation in a proactive way
Wrote and improved agreed procedures to resolve issues
Conducted technical meetings, including follow-up with clients
Followed ITIL ISO 9001-2000 and ISO 20000 processes

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sur les 30 derniers jours

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Projets réalisés0 projets
Projets terminés0 %
Tarif horaire moyen50
Membre depuisJan. 2010
Profil vu589 fois


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