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I have been a Graphic Designer for almost 2 years. Graphic design ultimately led me to discover and fall in love with web and UX/UI design . Wordpress was an obvious and logical next step in my learning and discoverytprocess. I spend months learning and using that great CMS to build websites for clients, This helped me reach a decent level of mastery of the tool but more important than that, it allowed me to really understand that clients need solutions that resolve business challenges not just fancy good looking websites. I am hear to help your business grow wether it is a website you need or a brand identity

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sur les 30 derniers jours

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Projets réalisés0 projets
Projets terminés0 %
Tarif horaire moyen21
Dernière connexion 6 ans
Membre depuisMai 2018
Profil vu104 fois


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