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Dynamic freelance translator from/to Italian, English, French, Spanish, Croatian, Bosnian and Serbian: but that’s not all!

My experience comes from my task as a translator at the Italian Embassy in Sarajevo, above all in the artistic and cultural fields; As well as from my collaboration with the “Ars Aevi” Museum of Contemporary Art, where I was taking care of relations with Italy, of drafting and translations; And lately from a project that deals with the topic of migrants in the Balkans.

Currently I’m based in Toulouse, so for those who are curious to get more informations, don’t hesitate to contact me:
Mail: ****@****

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sur les 30 derniers jours

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Projets réalisés0 projets
Projets terminés0 %
Tarif horaire moyen35
Dernière connexion 5 ans
Membre depuisSept. 2018
Profil vu870 fois


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