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Hello! Nice to meet you. My name is Natalia and I’m a digital marketing freelancer - with a master degree in Digital Marketing & Communication - for hire living in the South of France.

As a recent graduate from the Digital Marketing & Communication at IPAG Business School, I am excited to begin my career in the field of digital marketing as a freelance digital marketer. I'm happy to bring my skills and professional experience to help you deal with digital marketing every day.

A quick overview of my specialties:
Marketing (benchmark, market study, digital strategy, audit);
Social Media (Facebook Business, Instagram Business, LinkedIn, Pinterest);
Pay Per Click Advertising (Facebook & Instagram Ads, Adwords - Google Certificate);
Email Marketing (MailChimp, HubSpot Academy Course - Email Marketing);
Website (HTML/CSS, Wordpress, Squarespace, SEO, Google Analytics - Google Certificate);
Graphic Design (Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator, HubSpot Academy Course - Graphic Design);
Photography & Photo edition (Camera -Lumix GX80, Lightroom , Photoshop, VSCO);
Content (blogs posts, website content, newsletters, articles, SEO);

My native language is Polish. I speak fluently English (TOEIC: 895) and French (DELF B2).

I can help you create a strong online presence for marketing success of your business, grow your business, reinforce your brand and generate conversions. As a freelance digital specialist, I work with small and medium businesses, as well as partnering with agencies and other freelancers. I have a personalized approach and offer solutions tailored to YOUR special needs.

My interests cover: traveling, sport and healthy lifestyle, photography and nature.

Contact me directly at ****@****
Find more at [URL MASQUÉE]

Thank you for taking the time to visit my profile. Have a great day!

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Projets réalisés0 projets
Projets terminés0 %
Tarif horaire moyen15
Dernière connexion 5 ans
Membre depuisAvr. 2019
Profil vu540 fois


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