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Passionate about new technologies, especially web development. Responsible, organized, detail oriented, problems solver with a mentality of taking the right solution not only the quickest or the easiest one that solve the problem in the short term and make headache in the long term, perfectionist, precise, result and product oriented, self-education lover, autonomous, books & self-development addicted.

My company, Appreneur Academy Sàrl, helps businesses design better mobile marketing strategy, campaigns and more effective iOS & Android apps. We help businesses use mobile marketing to generate leads and sales. Whether you need a new app design or full-service mobile marketing management, I'd like to work with you. I have experience working as offshore company with other start-ups, medium size businesses, and Local companies in app development and mobile marketing strategy.

Besides my technical skills, I am interested in the whole life cycle of product development starting from shaping the idea of the product, design and implementation, business development and generating new ways to improve the income, and also the techniques how to market the product and put it in the hand of customers.

You have an idea that you want to concretize and you want someone to help, maybe this person is me, let's discuss together to see what we have?

Contact me direct
Phone: ##-##-##-##-##
Email: ****@****

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depuis la création du compte

Projets réalisés0 projets
Projets terminés0 %
Tarif horaire moyen20
Dernière connexion 5 ans
Membre depuisDéc. 2018
Profil vu698 fois


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