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I am a web and mobile app developer among the team of 25. We are professional passionate developers who have expertise into Mobile Application Development (iOS, Android), Web Application Development, JAVA technologies, Microsoft technologies and Open Source technologies, IoT, E-Commerce, Digital Transformation and Network Security with the average experience of 7+ years.

We have done an extensive work in Sports, Automotive, Finance, Healthcare, Retail, Manufacturing, Automotive, Media and Entertainment.

We believe great software comes from great teams, and we sincerely engage every client in our collaborative processes. From our deep understanding of software development philosophies such as Lean, Agile, and Scrum, we have created a performant model of teamwork that we continue to evolve over time. We believe that our experience and readiness to say no when needed and quick turn around time is more valuable for our clients.

We make ourselves available according to your comfort. We are available on Skype, Gmail, Whatsapp, Github, phone.

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sur les 30 derniers jours

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Projets réalisés0 projets
Projets terminés0 %
Tarif horaire moyen45
Dernière connexion 4 ans
Membre depuisJan. 2019
Profil vu1 002 fois


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